Vision Tree at ShareFest Honolulu Inspires Community Ideas for a Sustainable Future

Vision Tree at ShareFest Honolulu Inspires Community Ideas for a Sustainable Future

Logo OutdoorCircleThe Outdoor Circle hosted a booth at ShareFest Honolulu doing advocacy on behalf of the trees and teaching people how to spot an Exceptional Tree.  They provided beautiful paper leaves and encouraged attendees to write out their visions for Hawaii’s future and hang their empowering ideas on a bamboo “tree.”  Like the prayer flags in Tibet, the wind rustled the paper leaves all afternoon long, spreading the blessings from ShareFest Honolulu to the wider world with promises of a brightly imagined future.

Here are the inspired ideas that were declared on paper leaves and hung on The Outdoor Circle’s Vision Tree at ShareFest Honolulu:

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  • I want to see more edible landscaping.

  • Body loving bike lanes!

  • More trail access and open wilderness areas.

  • No GMOs.  Permaculture, peace, sustainability – the islands don’t need food imports to survive for 10 years.

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  • Guaranteed public housing, starting with the mentally ill homeless who are accepting of a housing situation.

  • Aloha from our hearts.

  • Every open and green space in yards and public specs can be covered with fruiting trees!  And vegetable gardens!

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  • Be outdoors in nature and parks and feel how good it is to have nature.

  • Local Organic Yum and Wild Things!

  • I want to see more native Hawaiian plants used in landscaping.

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  • For a sustainable city:  everything locally grown and for community coming together as in the days of old to protect Hawai’i.  

  • Stronger enforcement of coastal zone management and limits in costal development so we can have healthy coral reefs and cleaner watersheds!

  •  That everyone will see us not as separate from nature but part of it.


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  • Grow your food, eat your produce, ban plastics, learn from each other and invest in our keiki.

  • I have a vision of an extensive network of bike lanes.  Bike lanes make it easier for people to connect and participate in community.

  • Less plastic and more reusable and paper bags !  🙂

  • Being more… Doing Less

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  • Growing food locally.  More renewable energy usage.

  • Ahupua’a Gleaning Program

  • GMO Free Planet!

  • More parks and open spaces for people to gather.Vision Tree11

  • Change the conversation about economic realities and responsibilities.  There’s enough for everyone, let’s share!  And let’s change our outdated economic operating system to level the playing field for all!

  • 100% renewable energy!  Save our beaches.

  • Replace politicians with stewards that are concerned with the people’s needs.

  • Start serving healthy food in schools.

  • Fossil Fuel Free by 2023!

  • GMO Free and pesticide free islands.

  • Making our own food, growing sharing, helping.Outdoor Circle5

  • More variety in the landscape, with mutually beneficial plants grouped together.

  • Plant gardens in unused spaces and let the food be free to the community.

  • Collaborate with golf courses to use some of their unused land to plant gardens.

  • Less wealth disparity.

  • Rural electrification, waste management, drinking water, all these are needed.  Save the environment.  Renewable energy, be aware and love the world.  I’m a technologist, renewable energy artist and in love with my country.

  • Less fossil fuels, more solar power!Outdoor Circle4

  • Save Haiku Stairs

  • Similar to the holiday tree decorating that each department does in December, have a parklet decorating for each department in September (Park Day).