VegFest 2016 Calendar for USA

Looking for a plant-based festival? Positive Media Hawaii presents the upcoming lineup of US cities who have announced their 2016 VegFest events. Whether you’re a vegan foodie, just started dating a vegetarian, or a omnivore looking to lower your cholesterol, you will find education, new friends and plenty of amazing food at these community celebrations. Click on the festival name to get to their website for more details. If your event is not on this list please Contact Us and we will add you.
January 9 – 10 Arizona Vegetarian Food Festival, Scottsdale Civic Center, AZ, hosted by U.S. Veg Corp
January 30 SacTown Veg Fest, Sacramento, CA, hosted by Sacramento Vegetarian Society
March 5 Northeast Florida VegFest, Jacksonville, FL, hosted by The Girls Gone Green
March 20 North Florida VegFest, Tallahassee, FL, hosted by Tallahassee Vegetarian Commuity
March 20 Vegan Street Fair, Los Angeles, CA, hosted by Vegan Street Fair
April 1 – 3 HealthFest, Marshall, TX, hosted by 5 organizations
April 2 Valley VegFest, Northampton, MA, hosted by 6 organizations
April 2 Texas VegFest, Austin, TX, hosted by Texas Veg Foundation
April 9 Vegas VegFest, Las Vegas, NV, hosted by Compassion Works
April 9 – 10 VegFest 2016, Seattle, WA, hosted by Vegetarians of Washington
April 23 Red & Green VegFest, Albuquerque, NM, hosted by Nancy Arenas
April 24 VegFest 2016 Michigan, Novi, MI, hosted by VegMichigan
May 1 Veg Fest L.A., Woodley Park, San Fernando Valley, CA, hosted by Towards Freedom
May 1 New England VegFest, Worcester, MA, hosted by VegWorcester
May 1 Herbivore Festival, Yucaipa, CA, hosted by Crafton Hills College of Kinesiology and Health
May 7 Cleveland Veg Fest, Cleveland, OH, hosted by Cleveland Vegan Society
May 7 NH Veg Fest, Manchester, New Hampshire, hosted by volunteers
May 7 – 8 NYC Vegetarian Food Festival, Metropolitan Pavilion, NYC, hosted by U.S. Veg Corp
May 7 – 8 NOLA Veggie Fest, New Orleans, LA, hosted by Humane Society of Louisiana
May 15 Asheville Veg Fest, Asheville, NC, hosted by Asheville Vegan Society
June 4 Vegetarian Food Festival, Portland, Maine, hosted by Maine Animal Coalition
June 4 Albany VegFest, Albany, NY, hosted by Albany Vegan Network
June 11 Rehoboth VegFest, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, hosted by VegRehoboth
June 11 – 12 Asheville VeganFest, Asheville, NC hosted by Brother Wolf Animal Rescue
June 18 Mad City Vegan Fest, Madison, Wisconsin, hosted by Alliance for Animals and the Environment
July 6 – 10 Vegetarian SummerFest, Johnstown, PA, hosted by North American Vegetarian Society
July 16 Spokane VegFest, Spokane, WA, hosted by Inland Northwest Vegans
July 23 – 24 VegFest Colorado, Jefferson Country Fairgrounds, CO, hosted by Animal Action Network
July 29 – 31 World Vegan Summit, Berkeley, CA, sponsored by many organizations
July 23 – 24 Veggie Fest 2016, Chicago, IL, hosted by the Science of Spirituality Meditation Center
August 20 Sonoma County VegFest, Santa Rosa, CA, hosted by Compassionate Living
August 21 – 28 Woodstock Fruit Festival, Southern Adirondacks, NY, sponsored by many organizations
September 24 VegFest Oahu, Honolulu, HI, sponsored by many organizations
September 24 Erie VegFest, Erie, PA, hosted by the Erie Vegan and Vegetarian Society
October 1 Chicago Vegan Mania, Broadway Armory, Chicago, IL
Oct 8 – 9 World Veg Festival, San Francisco County Fair Building (Golden Gate Park), hosted by Friends of Animals and Varnashram
October 2 New Jersey VegFest, Morristown, NJ, hosted by Kendra and Marisa
October 15 Triangle TRI Veg VegFest, Raleigh, NC, sponsored by many organizations
October 22 – 23 Portland VegFest, Portland, OR, hosted by Northwest Veg
October 22 Lowcountry VegFest, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, hosted by Palmetto Plant Eaters Club
November 6 Hampton Roads VegFest, Virginia Beach, VI, hosted by Smithfield Pig Save
November 12 Tampa Bay VegFest, Tampa, FL, hosted by Florida Voices for Animals
SF Veg Fest will be Oct. 8 & 9 (not Oct. 1 & 2) – see
Thanks friends, we updated it to the correct date.
Looking forward to this! 🙂