Upcycle Sewing Lab – come make eco-friendly, totally unique, DIY Fashion

You do your best to look hip and be green, and we think that’s awesome!
Picture yourself as part of the slow clothes movement, and reduce your clothing carbon footprint.
Positive Media Hawaii has teamed up with the Hawaii Fashion Incubator to bring you the Upcycle Sewing Lab where you can cultivate your inner designer and create unique clothing while saving money and the planet.
At the Upcycle Sewing Lab we promote the refashion of existing clothes into something more fashionable and functional instead of buying new. The Upcycle Lab is not a class – it’s a shared learning environment. Let’s inspire each other with ideas, learn simple sewing techniques, and repurpose our way to sustainable style!
Imagine having a constant stream of cool stuff in your closet, but without being a slave to shopping, spending lots of money, or participating in the ready-to-wear global supply chain that is not kind to people nor the environment. Let’s upcycle together!
Upcycle Sewing Lab
$10 per session (cash only)
Next Session: SUNDAY, June 14th,
4:00pm – 7:00pm
Join us on the Facebook Event Page for updates about the Sunday event.
- $10 Cash Lab Fee
- Items to Upcycle
- Extra Fabric (old clothes, scraps, linens, etc.) and notions (ribbon, buttons, lace, etc.) to use creatively in project
- IMPORTANT – If you are wanting to tailor your item (either smaller or larger), PLEASE bring a similar garment that fits you well to use as size guide.
- (optional) Sewing Machine. Note: We have two machines to share but you might have to wait to use the machine. If you bring your own you will get a lot more done.
The COOP at Ward Warehouse, 2nd Floor (above T&C Surf)
1050 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96814
FREE PARKING! Lots of restaurants for dining.
The COOP is Hawaii’s premiere hub and co-working space for all things fashion, created by the Hawaii Fashion Incubator (HIFI). Find us at Ward Warehouse, upstairs on the 2nd Floor, near the center of the mall, on the makai side. You can take an elevator or escalator to the second floor.
Questions? Contact Us.
Did you know that upcycling is even greener than recycling? Find out why here.
Join the Positive Media Hawaii network and receive Good News eblasts about the Upcycle Sewing Lab and other eco-friendly events – subscribe here.
I keep hearing about this craft fair and wish I lived clesor to attend! What a fun booth! The designs are unique with great color combinations. Thanks for sharing!