Talking with Hawaii Public Radio about the Sharing Economy

Hawai’i Public Radio host Chris Vandercook invited me to be a guest on his morning show “The Conversation.” We talked about how the behavior called sharing can be used as an economic model for people to exchange goods and services and how it offers real solutions to some of the short-comings of capitalism where money is the only means of exchange.
RADIO INTERVIEW INTRODUCTION: It’s billed as an experiment in Radical Generosity, and it asks us to re-think the way we exchange goods and services. The Sharing Economy is a downright revolutionary notion in an economy that doesn’t even fix things any more – we’ve been conditioned to throw away things that don’t work and buy new ones, and the sheer waste our society leaves behind is incredible. Our guest is Joy Waters, the Executive Producer of Positive Media Hawai‘i, who is one of the organizers of ShareFest Honolulu which takes place Saturday, September 20th from 11am to 4pm.
Intro Music: Everyday by Dave Matthews Band
Outro Music: Dead Presidents by Little Walter