The human race has one really effective weapon,AND THAT IS LAUGHTER.— Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
Are you ready for positive change but feel discouraged when you focus on all the problems? Want a new approach? If so, The Laughing Revolution wants YOU! We are recruiting an army of Everyday Heroes to playfully educate the world about solutions. We are passionate about making a difference, and about having serious fun in the process!
The Laughing Revolution is a family of multi-media resources that use humor as a tool to inspire positive social action and activate new social attitudes and behaviors that contribute to a healthy planet.

- Web-based Comedy TV
- Comics
- Jesters In Action Street Team
- Stand-Up Comedy
In the tradition of our ancestors, we invite you to playfully rise up for a better world!
Become a Social Jester, and help us poke fun at the Status Woe! To join the Laughing Revolution and watch our comedy videos from Headquarters, visit the Laughing Revolution website: CLICK HERE…