Keiki Voices Student Video – Stop Bullying

Positive Media Hawaii’s Youth Project, Keiki Voices, presents a short video by recent graduates of our 8-week curriculum. This powerful video offers encouragement and solutions to kids who might feel bullied. The group I was working with was evenly divided between the girls and the boys and the girls were clearly winning. They had finished their script and were busy setting up shots to video. The boys were sprawled on the (carpeted) floor of the school library arguing about whether to blow up the bad guy with a car crash or a gun. I sat with them and asked them to walk me through their story. It became clear to me that this was a story about standing up to a bully, so we paired it down a bit, added a community message and the video below is what resulted.
These students are from an after school workshopIe did at Hokulani Elementary, covering: camera basics, how to frame (shot types and angles) and how choices can influence the emotion of the viewer, how to take an idea and turn it into a script and storyboard, acting fundamentals, and director responsibilities.
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